Hmmm I found my self a bit confused watching this. The graphics wern't too bad, but I didn't really get the point of the flash. Maybe you could work on a flash with a full story instead of a little fragment like this.
Hmmm I found my self a bit confused watching this. The graphics wern't too bad, but I didn't really get the point of the flash. Maybe you could work on a flash with a full story instead of a little fragment like this.
I enjoyed this. Really good animation and the story was pretty hilarious, lol. :D I look forward to see what you make in the future! Keep up the good work!
Not bad! I found this mini-movie to be pretty silly. Just work on your voice acting and try to sound different while playing different characters or maybe get some other voice actors to help you.
i dont know anyone that would be willing to voice act but thank you
Pretty great lol. I thought it was funny but I would have liked it more if it was longer. ;)
Fantastic movie.
Unlike a lot of other crap in the portal, this was actually funny! The graphics could have been a bit better, but it added to the hilarity. Good job, keep making flashes like this or better.
Amazing movie! Never seen pokemon battle like this until now, but I like it! Great work!
Very good movie!
Good, 0d, i hope u win!
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